The comparison of the densitometric stability between E+ and Insight intra oral films, which were processed by Champion and Teifsaz solutions


Background and objective: Proper patient treatment planning depends on correct diagnosis of its disease which could be achieved by taking high quality radiographs. Densitometric stability and film processing have important effect on the radiographs quality. The aim of the present study was to compare the densitometric stability of intra oral E+ and Insight film, which were processed by Champion and Teifsaz solutions. Materials and methods: A lab trial study was conducted. Radiographic images were taken of 56 E and Insight through lead step-wedge. Films were processed by new and in aging Champion and Teifsaz solutions every four days. After 56 days, the radiographic density of each film was calculated by Photoshop software. The contrast of each image was calculated by distracting maximum and minimum density. The resultant data were coded in SPSS software and analyzed by two-way variance analysis. Results: There is significant difference between the mean of density of processed films with the two different chemicals (Champion & Teifsaz) (P-value < 0.0001) that Champion was better than Teifsaz. However, there is no significant difference between the density of E+ and Insight films (P- value = 0.717). Conclusion: Densitometric stability of new Insight film is as the same as currently used E+ film and is better preserved with Champion chemicals than Teifsaz solutions.

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Zangouei-Booshehri, M. , Ezoddini-Ardakani, F. and Zare Karizi, F. (2011) The comparison of the densitometric stability between E+ and Insight intra oral films, which were processed by Champion and Teifsaz solutions. Health, 3, 668-671. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.311112.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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