Metrics and Algorithms for Scheduling of Data Dissemination in Mesh Units Assisted Vehicular Networks
Zhongyi LIU, Bin LIU, Wei YAN
DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2009.13020   PDF    HTML     6,031 Downloads   9,838 Views  


Data dissemination is an important application in vehicular networks. We observe that messages in vehicular networks are usually subject to both time and space constraints, and therefore should be disseminated during a specified duration and within a specific coverage. Since vehicles are moving in and out of a region, dis-semination of a message should be repeated to achieve reliability. However, the reliable dissemination for some messages might be at the cost of unreliable or even no chance of dissemination for other messages, which raises tradeoffs between reliability and fairness. In this paper, we study the scheduling of data dis-semination in vehicular networks with mesh infrastructure. Firstly, we propose performance metrics for both reliability and fairness. Factors on both the time and space dimensions are incorporated in the reliability met-ric and the fairness in both network-wide and Mesh Roadside Unit-wise (MRU-wise) senses are considered in the fairness metric. Secondly, we propose several scheduling algorithms: one reliability-oriented algorithm, one fairness-oriented algorithm and three hybrid schemes. Finally, we perform extensive evaluation work to quantitatively analyze different scheduling algorithms. Our evaluation results show that 1) hybrid schemes outperform reliability-oriented and fairness-oriented algorithms in the sense of overall efficiency and 2) dif-ferent algorithms have quite different characteristics on reliability and fairness.

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LIU, Z. , LIU, B. and YAN, W. (2009) Metrics and Algorithms for Scheduling of Data Dissemination in Mesh Units Assisted Vehicular Networks. Wireless Sensor Network, 1, 142-151. doi: 10.4236/wsn.2009.13020.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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