Radioactivity of nuclei in a centrifugal force field
O. B Khavroshkin, V. V Tsyplakov
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.38097   PDF    HTML     5,879 Downloads   10,304 Views   Citations


Radioactivity of nuclei in a centrifugal force field of an ultracentrifuge is considered for heavy radioactive nuclei, i.e., for the same nuclei, but with a significant virtual mass thousands of times larger than the actual mass and is characterized by an angular momentum. As the nucleus leaves the centrifugal force field, the virtual mass disappears, but the spin number appears and/or changes. The role of centrifugal and gravitational forces in radioactive decay of nuclei is studied. According to the terminology of western researchers, such a virtual mass state is called the dynamic gravitation which is more adequate. The oscillator and possible changes in the nucleus state are considered under conditions of dynamic gravitation and taking into account features of atomic nucleus physics. To a first approximation, the drop model of the nucleus was used, in which shape fluctuations have much in common with geophysical and astrophysical analogues. Shape fluctuations of analogues strongly depend on the gravitational force g defined by their mass (or nucleus mass). Experiments were performed by radiometric measurements of transbaikalian uranium ore (1.5 g) with known composition in a centrifuge at various rotation rates or gravitational forces g. The existence of characteristic times or the effect of rotation frequencies (i.e., g) on atomic nuclei, which, along with the nucleus type itself, controls the nucleus response to perturbation (stability increase or decay), is found statistically significant.

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Khavroshkin, O. and Tsyplakov, V. (2011) Radioactivity of nuclei in a centrifugal force field. Natural Science, 3, 733-737. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.38097.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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