Plant Diversity, Life Form and Phytochoria of Hamedan Alvand Region in Iran


This study was carried out for determination and discrimination vegetation by Eco-phytosociology method. Flora of this area was determined by using available references. Based on collection we encountered about 290 specimens that belong to 167 genera and 41 families. The largest families in the area are Asteraceae (47 genera), Poaceae (34 genera), Lamiaceae (30 genera), Caryophylaceae (18 genera) Papilonaceae (17 genera). The floristic composition of the area is strongly influenced by large number of Irano-Turanian elements. The life form spectrum was characterized according to Raunkiers system. The life form spectrum observed was: Hemichryptophyte (61.62%), Chamophyte (15.14%), Therophyte (14.79%), Phanerophyte (4.58%) and Geophyte (3.87%). The largest phytochoria distribution species is Irano-Turanian (59%). Medicinal plants were identified that 71 medicinal plants species is belonging to 20 families and 57 genuses. Species riches as 290 plant species in this region distinguished by variable habitats, because of different ecologic factor and variation endogenous milieus. High variation of floristic showed variation biologic conditions and ecologic high power in this region for survivals. Anthropogenic impact of human and pasturing in this region are species downfall factors, especially rare species.

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Kolahi, M. and Atri, M. (2014) Plant Diversity, Life Form and Phytochoria of Hamedan Alvand Region in Iran. Open Access Library Journal, 1, 1-12. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1100682.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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