Laxative Effect of Eugenia Jambolana Crude Leaf Bud Extract ()
The therapeutic value of Eugenia jambolana Lam. commonly known as ‘Jamun’ has been recognized in different system of traditional medication for the treatment of different diseases and ailments. It contains several phytoconstituents belonging to category of alkaloids, glucosides, flavonoides and volatile oils. It has been reported as digestive, astringent to the bowels, anthelmintic, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, thirst, biliousness, dysentery, blood purifier, ulcers and diabetes. There are few reports available on clinical uses of Eugenia jambolana in diabetes that have shown promising results. In south India ayurvedic practitioners were using the leaf buds of Eugenia jambolana to induce laxative effect and to clean up the intestinal contents before starting any medication. The result showed that of E. jambolana stimulates the contractile action of frog and mice through an acetylcholine-like mechanism and effectively stimulates gastrointestinal motility in mice and frogs. In this paper we have discussed the laxative effect of Eugenia jambolana leaf bud extract which was never reported scientifically.
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Sivakumar, A. and Selvam, T. (2011) Laxative Effect of Eugenia Jambolana Crude Leaf Bud Extract.
Pharmacology & Pharmacy,
2, 164-167. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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