Evolution and the Prevention of Violent Crime
Jason Roach, Ken Pease
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.24062   PDF    HTML     10,231 Downloads   20,414 Views   Citations


This paper suggests how violence prevention can be better informed by embracing an evolutionary approach to understanding and preventing violent crime. Here, ethical crime control through an evolutionary lens is considered and speculation is offered as to what an evolution-evidenced crime reduction programme might look like. The paper begins with an outline of the current landscape of crime prevention scholarship within criminology and presents some possible points of contact with actual or possible violence reduction practice, including child homicide and violence against women. The paper concludes with suggestions for an ethical research agenda for reducing violence, whereby it is hoped that an audience of open-minded criminologists and diverse students of evolution may lend a hand in increasing the sophistication of the criminological study of violence prevention.

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Roach, J. & Pease, K. (2011). Evolution and the Prevention of Violent Crime. Psychology, 2, 393-404. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.24062.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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