Reliability Evaluation Optimal Selection Model of Component-Based System
Guo Yong, Wan Tian Tian, Ma Pei Jun, Su Xiao Hong
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2011.47050   PDF    HTML     4,470 Downloads   8,664 Views   Citations


If the components in a component-based software system come from different sources, the characteristics of the components may be different. Therefore, evaluating the reliability of a component-based system with a fixed model for all components will not be reasonable. To solve this problem, this paper combines a single reliability growth model with an architecture-based reliability model, and proposes an optimal selecting approach. First, the most appropriate model of each component is selected according to the historical reliability data of the component, so that the evaluation deviation is the smallest. Then, system reliability is evaluated according to both the relationships among components and the using frequency of each component. As the approach takes into account the historical data and the using frequency of each component, the evaluation and prediction results are more accurate than those of using a single model.

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Yong, G. , Tian Tian, W. , Pei Jun, M. and Xiao Hong, S. (2011) Reliability Evaluation Optimal Selection Model of Component-Based System. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 4, 433-441. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2011.47050.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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