Design of Collaborative Platform on Clustering Applications for Governments ()
Collaborative platform on clustering applications for governments consists of six large-scale systems, including the clustering Government Internet portal system, clustering public-mailboxes collaboration system, clustering government affairs portal system, clustering emergency information collaboration system, clustering office automation collaboration system, and clustering messages collaboration systems. The appli-cation and technology architectures of the collaborative platform are elaborated in this paper,and the major key technologies on the platform are also expounded, which includes realization of many governments ap-plications’ scale integration and collaborative application, business model driven software development plat-form based on SOA, SSO, tans-departmental and cross-level multi-engine clustering protocol. Based on the "clustering application" design, to maximize the utilization of hardware, software resources and administra-tive resources of the provincial government collaborative platform, rural districts and counties can build their own platforms based on the provincial platform. The platform having been running for over 2 years shows that planning of urban and rural e-governments’ construction and maintenance is achieved, thus reducing costs greatly and improving governments’ functions.
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ZHANG, X. , LI, Z. and SHEN, W. (2009) Design of Collaborative Platform on Clustering Applications for Governments.
Intelligent Information Management,
1, 30-35. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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