A Humanoid Robot Gait Planning and Its Stability Validation ()
Gait planning based on linear inverted pendulum
(LIPM) on structured road surface can be quickly generated because of the
simple model and definite physical meaning. However, over-simplifi- cation of
the model and discontents of zero velocity and acceleration boundary
conditions when robot starts and stops walking lead to obvious
difference between the model and the real robot. In this paper, parameterized
gait is planned and trajectories’ smoothness of each joint angle and centroid
are ensured using the 3-D LIPM theory. Static walking method is used to satisfy
zero velocity and acceleration boundary conditions. Besides, a multi-link model
is built to validate the stability. Simulation experiments show that: despite
of some deviation from the theoretical solution, the actual zero-moment point
(ZMP) is still within the support polygon, and the robot walks steadily. In
consequence, the rationality and validity of model simplification of
LIPM is demonstrated.
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Zeng, J. , Chen, H. , Yin, Y. and Yin, Y. (2014) A Humanoid Robot Gait Planning and Its Stability Validation.
Journal of Computer and Communications,
2, 68-74. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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