Pulse-Width Pulse-Frequency Based Optimal Controller Design for Kinetic Kill Vehicle Attitude Tracking Control
Xingyuan Xu, Yuanli Cai
DOI: 10.4236/am.2011.25075   PDF    HTML     6,710 Downloads   12,331 Views   Citations


The attitude control problem of the kinetic kill vehicle is studied in this work. A new mathematical model of the kinetic kill vehicle is proposed, the linear quadratic regulator technique is used to design the optimal attitude controller, and the pulse-width pulse-frequency modulator is used to shape the continuous control command to pulse or on-off signals to meet the requirements of the reaction thrusters. The methods to select the appropriate parameters of pulse-width pulse-frequency are presented in detail. Numerical simulations show that the performance of the LQR/PWPF approach can achieve good control performance such as pseudo-linear operation, high accuracy, and fast enough tracking speed.

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Xu, X. and Cai, Y. (2011) Pulse-Width Pulse-Frequency Based Optimal Controller Design for Kinetic Kill Vehicle Attitude Tracking Control. Applied Mathematics, 2, 565-574. doi: 10.4236/am.2011.25075.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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