New Value-Behavioral Structures and Hierarchies in the Technical Academic Education in the Context of Romania Integration in the European Union ()
The work is structured in 4 parts: I. Conceptual differentiations: value, belief, norm, mentality, attitude, interest, opinion, need, behavior; II. Restructuring scheme of the personality axiological components in a determined context; III. Professional values in the technical academic education: identification and hierarchy; IV. Conclu- sions. In the first part, there are made conceptual differentiations between the notions of belief, norm, mentality, attitude, interest, opinion, need, behavior, emphasizing thus on mutual aspects. In the second part of the paper, there is presented the global structuring of the axiological universe, the determinant factors of the value hierar- chy change in a given social-economic context, there is elaborated a new re-structuring scheme of the value components, there are identified specific mechanisms to the present Romanian society resistant to the value au- thentic change. In the third part, there is described D. E. Super’s theory that stands at the basis of the elaboration of the Professional Value Inventory. This was applied in our research on a sample of 120 students from the two technical faculties, getting thus a certain professional values hierarchy. The conclusions emphasize the confir- mation of the two hypothesis, the extrinsic motivating factors of the professional choice, behaviors and attitudes definition, values through immediate, material profit, of the individual welfare.
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Elena, T. (2011) New Value-Behavioral Structures and Hierarchies in the Technical Academic Education in the Context of Romania Integration in the European Union.
Sociology Mind,
1, 74-80. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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