Voltage Sag Characterization in a Distribution Systems: A Case Study ()
Suresh Kamble1*,
Chandrashekhar Thorat2
1Electrical Department, Government Polytechnic, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
2Principal Government Polytechnic, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2014.24074
Voltage sags caused by the short-circuit faults in transmission and distribution lines have become one of the most important power quality problems facing industrial customers and utilities. Voltage sags are normally described by characteristics of both magnitude and duration, but phaseangle jump should be taken into account in identifying sag phenomena and finding their solutions. In this paper, voltage sags due to power system faults such as single phase-to-ground, phase-tophase, and two-phase-to-ground faults are characterized by using symmetrical component analysis and their effect on the magnitude variation and phase-angle jumps for each phase are examined. A simple and practical method is proposed for voltage sag detection, by calculating RMS voltage over a window of one-half cycle. The industrial distribution system at Bajaj hospital is taken as a case study. Simulation studies have been performed by using MATLAB/SIMULINK and the results are presented at various magnitudes, duration and phase-angle jumps.
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Kamble, S. and Thorat, C. (2014) Voltage Sag Characterization in a Distribution Systems: A Case Study.
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering,
2, 546-553. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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