A Method of Insulator’s NSDD Measurement and Its Device Based on Laser Transmission Principle


Accuracy measurement of the Non-soluble Deposit Density (NSDD) on the insulator surface is very important for the transmission line anti-pollution flashover works. A method to measure the NSDD on double sheds porcelain insulator surface based on laser transmission principle is proposed in this paper. Laser unit and luminous intensity sensor are installed between the up and down surface of the double sheds porcelain insulators, two glass tablets are put between the double sheds. The contamination on the glass tablets will influence the luminous intensity that reaches the intensity sensor. The luminous signal is changed to electrical signal, and the insulator’s NSDD could be obtained based on the difference of luminous intensity. The device can be used in online monitoring of the insulator's NSDD condition on the insulator surface.

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Liu, Y. , Gao, S. , Chen, J. and Lu, Y. (2014) A Method of Insulator’s NSDD Measurement and Its Device Based on Laser Transmission Principle. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2, 518-524. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2014.24070.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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