Coping, Personality Traits and Social Support in Severe Burn Survivors


Objective: The present study aimed at investigating the correlations among coping, personality traits, and social support for burn survivors. Method: Participants were 48 patients from a reference burn hospital who attended group meetings at a non-governmental organization associated to that institution that offers support to burn survivors. Data were collected from February to May, 2010. The participants answered a socio-demographic questionnaire and three instruments: Coping Strategy Indicator (CSI), Personality Markers, and Social Support Questionnaire (MOS Scale). Results: The data obtained showed a significant correlation among the personality traits neuroticism and socialization and social support, as well as between socialization and coping; however, differently than expected, no significant correlation was established between social support and coping. Conclusion: Personality traits are related to the perception of support from others; however the perception of support does not influence the way burn survivors cope with their problems. These data were discussed in order to broaden the knowledge and stimulate new studies on the area, so that, based on this information, more efficient treatment plans and interventions can be designed to fulfill both the physical and emotional needs of these survivors with more competency and perceptiveness.

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Frota, P. and Zanini, D. (2013) Coping, Personality Traits and Social Support in Severe Burn Survivors. Psychology, 4, 1059-1063. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.412154.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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