Study of Improving the Management System of Temporary Resident Population
Yang Yang
Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
DOI: 10.4236/cus.2013.14019   PDF    HTML     8,309 Downloads   10,903 Views  


Due to the function for management is abnormally amplified, its service’s function is not well reflected when it is carried out for the Management System for Temporary Resident Population. So it will face enormous pressure and there are many problems for the management system for the temporary residential permit and it need to further be strict and improved. Our government should change from the prevention and control management for the past into the service management which emphasizes on both management and service according to the concept of people-oriented on the basis of retaining and improving the tem-porary residence registration in current. Firstly, they should further intensify the reform of the household registration system to introduce the concept of citizen treatment and continue to reinforce the value of temporary residential permits. Secondly, the departments will perform their functions and adhere to com-prehensively management. Thirdly, they should establish the population management information net-work to share the resources.

Share and Cite:

Yang, Y. (2013) Study of Improving the Management System of Temporary Resident Population. Current Urban Studies, 1, 171-174. doi: 10.4236/cus.2013.14019.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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