Psychological Factors Influencing Exercise Adherence among Females


Social pressures focusing on health and physical attractiveness have been used to promote exercise among women (Prichard & Tiggemann, 2008). However, research has shown that motives driven by external sources result in decreased exercise participation (Deci & Ryan, 1985). The current study examined differences in motivation, self-efficacy, and mood between 64 exercise adherent and non-adherent women over four weeks. Women who were non-adherent to their exercise goals were more likely to report external motives, specifically body and health related motives. At the initial measurement, adherents reported significantly lower self-efficacy, positive affect, and life satisfaction compared to non-adherents. However, after the four weeks, adherents’ self-reports indicated a significant increase in these variables compared to no change in non-adherents’ self-reports.

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Kohlstedt, S. , Weissbrod, C. , Colangelo, A. and Carter, M. (2013) Psychological Factors Influencing Exercise Adherence among Females. Psychology, 4, 917-923. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.412132.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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