Study on Seismic Fragility Analysis for Piping of CEFR


This paper introduces the conception of seismic fragility, gives the model of seismic fragility analysis, and places emphasis on discussing quantization process of seismic fragility parameters. Then, establishes 3D model of pipes of Chinese Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) accident residual heat removal system, and obtains the stresses which are essential for calculating seismic fragility parameters. Finally, combined with quantitative methods of seismic fragility, calculates the safety factors and uncertainties of CEFR pipeline, and obtains the system seismic fragility parameters: Am = 2.42 g, βr = 0.36, βu = 0.44, HCLPF = 0.65 g. The results show that: the pipeline of CEFR accident residual heat removal system has high seismic capacity.

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Fu, Z. , Qiao, Y. , Tang, L. , Chen, Y. and Zuo, J. (2013) Study on Seismic Fragility Analysis for Piping of CEFR. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 1, 82-88. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2013.16016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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