A Diffusion-Based Distributed Collaborative Energy Detection Algorithm for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio


Spectrum sensing is one of the most important steps in cognitive radio. In this paper, a new fully-distributed collaborative energy detection algorithm based on diffusion cooperation scheme and consensus filtering theory is proposed, which doesn’t need the center node to fuse the detection results of all users. The secondary users only exchange information with their neighbors to obtain the detection data, and then make the corresponding decisions independently according to the pre-defined threshold. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm is more superior to the existing centralized collaborative energy detection algorithm in terms of the detecting performance and robustness in the insecurity situation.

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Li, J. , Chen, W. , Kang, S. and Guo, Y. (2013) A Diffusion-Based Distributed Collaborative Energy Detection Algorithm for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio. Communications and Network, 5, 276-279. doi: 10.4236/cn.2013.53B2051.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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