Hybrid Power System Power Flow Analysis ()
Hybrid power supply system consists of a number of
independent and different sources of electrical energy with different operating
times during different seasons and with energy storage system. Deployment of a
hybrid power system is expected in places outside the normal distribution
network. For the further research and improvements it is necessary to know in
detail the power flow from various sources to the load or to storage battery
depending on different seasons. The paper presents data analysis results computed by
application developed for detailed analysis of power flows within hybrid power
system. Developed application analyses the data from the monitoring system.
Data has been acquired and recorded within last year. This data is visualized
as power flows in the individual hybrid power system circuits. Together with
electrical power the effectiveness and performance parameters of rectifier and
DC/AC converter are evaluated. The paper describes achieved results and needs
for further improvements of such solution.
Share and Cite:
P. Bilik, J. Manas, J. Zidek and J. Koziorek, "Hybrid Power System Power Flow Analysis,"
Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 4B, 2013, pp. 698-702. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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