A novel bio-sensor for registration of biting force in occlusally reactive single mandibular implant overdenture


Mandibular single denture opposed by maxillary natural dentition showed a great problem. However, mandibular implant overdenture treatment has gained considerable recognition. Ten male patients with complete mandibular edentulous arch and opposing arch have full natural dentition. Patients were divided into two groups. All patients received two endosseous titanium implants. In Group I, patients were rehabilitated with conventional implant retained overdentures. While in Group II, Patients were rehabilitated with occlusal reactive implant overdentures. A Novel proposed biosensor was used to measure the amount of biting force on the implant retained overdenture. Quantitative electromyographic (EMG) signals of the masseter and anterior fibers of temporalis muscles were recorded, filtered and directly interfaced with a computer to represent the data graphically. The mean amplitude (μV), turn, and activity were recorded at the baseline and after three months. The results revealed an increase in the muscle activity in group II after three months as compared to group I. Significant difference in bilateral biting force at the premolar-molar area was found between group I and group II after three months. This study concluded that a resilient implant overdenture denture could be a desirable treatment in mandibular overdenture supported by two implants with resilient attachment and opposing natural dentition due to its easy fabrication and durability in use and increased muscle activity.

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Banasr, F. and Alammari, M. (2013) A novel bio-sensor for registration of biting force in occlusally reactive single mandibular implant overdenture. Open Journal of Stomatology, 3, 370-378. doi: 10.4236/ojst.2013.37063.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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