Analysis of the arginine biosynthetic gene cluster argCJBDFR of Corynebacterium crenatum
Haitao Jiao, Yong Yuan, Yonghua Xiong, Xuelan Chen
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2011.41009   PDF    HTML     4,435 Downloads   8,443 Views   Citations


Objective: Corynebacterium crenatum AS1.542, a Gram-positive bacterium and indigenous nonpatho-genic corynebacteria, is widely exploited for the in-dustrial production of amino acids. The objective of this paper is to clarify the genetic information of the arginine biosynthetic pathway, and further more contribute to the improvement of arginine produc-tion. Methods: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology was employed for obtaining the arginine biosynthetic gene sequence, and softwares eg. Laser-gene, BPROM, RNAshapes were used for the analysis of obtained sequences. Results: Arginine biosynethetic gene cluster of C. crenatum, comprising argJ, argB, argD, argF, argR and part of argC, has been ampli-fied and sequenced. The gene order has been estab-lished as argCJBDFR, with a entire length of 6.08kb. Conclusion: An internal promoter was found in the upstream of argB gene, four argBDFR ORFs are lo-cated in a same transcription unit, and the tran-scripiton termination of argC gene is irrelevant with the rho-factor. Comparison with ornithine acetyl-transferase (coded by argJ gene) from C. glutamate, ornithine acetyltransferase from C. crenatum also belongs to the monofunctional enzymes.

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Jiao, H. , Yuan, Y. , Xiong, Y. and Chen, X. (2011) Analysis of the arginine biosynthetic gene cluster argCJBDFR of Corynebacterium crenatum. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 4, 70-75. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2011.41009.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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