Impact of Biomechanical Forces on Antibiotics Release Kinetics from Hydroxyapatite Coated Surgical Fixation Pins


This work investigates the impact of biomechanical wear and abrasion on the antibiotic release profiles of hydroxyapatite (HA) coated fixation pins during their insertion into synthetic bone. Stainless steel fixation pins are coated with crystalline TiO2 by cathodic arc evaporation forming the bioactive layer for biomimetic deposition of Tobramycin containing HA. Tobramycin is either introduced by co-precipitation during HA formation or by adsorption-loading after HA deposition. The samples containing antibiotics are inserted into bone mimicking polyethylene foam after which the drug release is monitored using high performance liquid chromatography. This analysis shows that HA coating wear and delamination significantly decrease the amount of drug released during initial burst, but only marginally influence the sustained release period. Spalled coating fragments are found to remain within the synthetic bone material structure. The presence of HA within this structure supports the assumption that the local release of Tobramycin is not only expected to eliminate bacteria growth directly at the pin interface but as well at some distance from the implant. Furthermore, no negative effect of gamma sterilization could be observed on the drug release profile. Overall, the observed results demonstrate the feasibility of a multifunctional implant coating that is simultaneously able to locally deliver clinically relevant doses of antibiotics and an HA coating capable of promoting osteoconduction. This is a potentially promising step toward orthopaedic devices that combine good fixation with the ability to treat and prevent post-surgical infections.

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Lilja, M. , Sörensen, J. , Sörensen, T. , Åstrand, M. , Procter, P. , Steckel, H. and Strømme, M. (2013) Impact of Biomechanical Forces on Antibiotics Release Kinetics from Hydroxyapatite Coated Surgical Fixation Pins. Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, 4, 343-350. doi: 10.4236/jbnb.2013.44043.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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