Implementation of the Whole Language in Hong Kong Kindergartens: The Teachers’ Perceptive


The whole language approach is an important language theory in the West. In recent years, many kindergartens in Hong Kong have been implementing the whole language approach. To understand how this western educational concept is being implemented in the Chinese society, this research aims to investigate the current practices of teachers implementing the Whole Language Approach in Hong Kong. The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods with data collected through questionnaires and interviews. 138 questionnaires were sent to experienced teachers. A total of six teachers were interviewed, and they were all experienced. Findings indicate that most of the kindergarten teachers have the basic understanding of the whole language approach. However, it finds that many teachers cannot fully implement the meaning of the whole language approach in it entirely. Further training for teachers is needed.

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Liu, P. (2013) Implementation of the Whole Language in Hong Kong Kindergartens: The Teachers’ Perceptive. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 3, 167-173. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2013.33023.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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