Calculation of the Effective G-Factor for the (ns2S1/2)→(np2P3/2)→(n's2S1/2) Transitions in Hydrogen-Like Atoms and Its Application to the Atomic Cesium
Ziya Saglam, S. Burcin Bayram, Mesude Saglam
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2010.16057   PDF    HTML     5,492 Downloads   10,161 Views   Citations


We have calculated the effective g-factor for the transitions in hydrogen-like atoms and applied it to atomic cesium. We have identified that not only the g* factor in this case is an integer number g* = 1, but also the existence of possible entangled states related to the above tran-sitions. Furthermore we have used the above result to calculate the transition energies which are in complete agreement (within the 1% margin error). Such results can give access to the production of new laser lights from atomic cesium.

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Z. Saglam, S. Bayram and M. Saglam, "Calculation of the Effective G-Factor for the (ns2S1/2)→(np2P3/2)→(n's2S1/2) Transitions in Hydrogen-Like Atoms and Its Application to the Atomic Cesium," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 1 No. 6, 2010, pp. 399-404. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2010.16057.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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