Variable Temperature Laser Light Scattering Microscopy (VTLLSM) Studies on 10-100 μm Size High Purity Gold and Commercial Grade Zinc Grains
P. Sita Rama Rao, P. B. V. Prasad, P. B. Shashikanth
DOI: 10.4236/msa.2010.16048   PDF    HTML     4,112 Downloads   7,382 Views  


The VTLLS microscopy studies were made on high purity gold and commercial grade zinc grains in a temperature range of 30-230?C. Differential area ω and surface activity Sa were estimated from photomicrographs. The ω vs dT/dt (rate of heating) curve was seen to differ from those of silver and titanium. The nature of curve between normalized ω and dT/dt was seen to be non-exponential. The characteristic relation between sectorized differential area ωsec and mean temperature was examined. The present study further establishes the simplicity and versatility of the VTLLS technique, in studying the defect-sub-structure of metal particles such as Au and Zn in presence of an imposed temperature gradient in a reasonable way. As such an attempt was made to connect the ω and defect-sub-structure related parameters.

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P. Rao, P. Prasad and P. Shashikanth, "Variable Temperature Laser Light Scattering Microscopy (VTLLSM) Studies on 10-100 μm Size High Purity Gold and Commercial Grade Zinc Grains," Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol. 1 No. 6, 2010, pp. 329-335. doi: 10.4236/msa.2010.16048.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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