Software Engineering Principles: Do They Meet Engineering Criteria?
Kenza Meridji, Alain Abran
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2010.310114   PDF    HTML     7,664 Downloads   13,485 Views   Citations


As a discipline, software engineering is not as mature as other engineering disciplines, and it still lacks consensus on a well-recognized set of fundamental principles. A 2006 analysis surveyed and analyzed 308 separate proposals for principles of software engineering, of which only thirty-four met the criteria to be recognized as such. This paper reports on a further analysis of these thirty-four candidate principles using two sets of engineering criteria derived from: A) the engineering categories of knowledge defined by Vincenti in his analysis of engineering foundations; and B) the joint IEEE and ACM software engineering curriculum. The outcome of this analysis is a proposed set of nine software engineering principles that conform to engineering criteria.

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Meridji, K. and Abran, A. (2010) Software Engineering Principles: Do They Meet Engineering Criteria?. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 3, 972-982. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2010.310114.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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