The Effect of Working Place on Worker’s Health in a Tannery in Bangladesh
Salauddin Biswas, Tawhidur Rahman
DOI: 10.4236/aa.2013.31007   PDF    HTML     8,805 Downloads   17,016 Views   Citations


This article investigates the causes of workers’ health problems which are integrated with their daily work in the tanning industry, and with their daily life style pattern. The tanning industry has two opposing aspects; it brings economic prosperity for the country, on the other hand, it causes health problems for the workers. Moreover, it has detrimental effects on surrounding environment as well. The workers labor in polluted workplace inside of the industry, and live in unhygienic dwelling outside of the industry. While the workers practice daily life culture in personal life, they practice tannery culture in their work place, and both create health problems for them. Workers’ health has relationship with surrounding areas, equipments, workplace floor, chemicals, ways of dealing with the machines, and so on, and all variables determine the workers’ health individually or as a whole. Notably, one matter is not responsible for the suffering of the tannery workers. We need to consider it from the holistic point of view.

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Biswas, S. and Rahman, T. (2013) The Effect of Working Place on Worker’s Health in a Tannery in Bangladesh. Advances in Anthropology, 3, 46-53. doi: 10.4236/aa.2013.31007.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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