Quantitative assessment of heavy metals in some tea marketed in Nigeria ——Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in tea
Albert Cosmas Achudume, Dayo Owoeye
DOI: 10.4236/health.2010.29162   PDF    HTML     12,211 Downloads   21,324 Views   Citations


Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in tea marketed in Nigeria was investigated. Four major and most consumed brand of tea were selected for the present study. Both aqueous and dry methods were used. Total contents of metal were determined by digesting 1g of each brand using a mixture (3:1) concentrated nitric acid (NNO3) and hypochlorous acid (HCLO4). The second method involved hot water extract of tea samples. After boiling and filtration, the residue was evaporated to near dryness and digested with concentrated HNO3 and HCLO4 as described above. Results indicate that Zn, Cd, Cu, and Pb were present in lowest concentrations in ascending order for which there were two significant differences between the four sources of samples. The general characteristics of heavy metal concentrations in aqueous extract showed high level of Fe and Mg in a descending order. Going by the correlation study of our result indicates that there is no significant relationship between the two elements of Fe and Mg, though, the numerical values of the two elements varied widely among the samples. These differences may have major impact on human health. However, the beneficial effects of tea are in a fairly narrow concentration range between the essential and the toxic level. In conclusion, the variations in heavy metals content of tea brands may be due to geographical, seasonal changes and the chemical characteristics of the growing regions.

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Achudume, A. and Owoeye, D. (2010) Quantitative assessment of heavy metals in some tea marketed in Nigeria ——Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in tea. Health, 2, 1097-1100. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.29162.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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