The Long Magenstrasse with pyloroplasty as functional gastric bypass: 6-years experience, 308 operations
Carlo Vassallo, Giovanni Berbiglia, Matteo Carena
DOI: 10.4236/health.2010.28138   PDF    HTML     5,572 Downloads   10,342 Views   Citations


Background: The Long Magenstrasse with py-loroplasty as functional Gastric Bypass (briefly LMGBP) procedure for morbid obesity may re- duce the incidence of side effects associated with gastric restrictive and malabsorptive sur- gery, particularly on quality of life and long-term nutritional insufficiency. In follow-up to pre- liminary findings in 34 patients, we report the results of an additional 274 LMGBPs performed over the past 3 years. Methods: Between October 2003 and 2009, 308 patients were treated with the LMGBP. 149 patients underwent open procedures; 74, hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS); and 85 were operated laparo-scopically. 17% had ≥ 125 mg/dl glycemia, 43% sleep apnea, 38% hyperlipidemia, 12% hyperuricemia, and 58% arterial hypertension under treatment. Results: The mean BMI of 256 pre-operatively normoglycemic patients at 1 year was 29 (range 26-31); 27 (25-30) in 45 patients at 3 years; and 27.5 (26-30) in 12 patients at 5 years. Mean BMI of 53 preoperatively hyperglycemic patients (≥ 125 mg/dl) at 1 year (21 patients) was 32 (29-34), and at 3 years (9 patients), 32.5 (30- 33). 15 patients with preoperative type 2 diabetes under oral treatment required no therapy 3-6 months after surgery. Patients reported considerable appetite reduction with rapid satiety but maintained good nutrition with no supplementation. There was no mortality. Conclusions: Safe and effective sustained weight loss, positive metabolic changes, and appetite diminution with rapid satiety were seen after LMGBP.

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Vassallo, C. , Berbiglia, G. and Carena, M. (2010) The Long Magenstrasse with pyloroplasty as functional gastric bypass: 6-years experience, 308 operations. Health, 2, 935-940. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.28138.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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