Social Capital: Foundations and Some Social Policies in the EU


With this paper we want to show which three pillars are fundamental that lie within the social capital: trust, cooperation and the principle of general reciprocity. Some significant data about Abortion in the EU-27 and in the EU-15 awaken us to realize the existence of social phenomena’s that can undermine the social capital foundations and resent the people as well as the society, to the extent in which the social policies affect; trust, cooperation and the general principal of reciprocity. Finally, we suggest the promotion of public policies, the increase of public resources, as well as to launch campaigns to re-evaluate and rethink the personal and social importance of these foundations. We also see the necessity of avoiding the various manifestations that lead us to undermine these foundations.

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Rodríguez-Sedano, A. , Costa-Paris, A. & Aguilera, J. (2012). Social Capital: Foundations and Some Social Policies in the EU. Sociology Mind, 2, 342-346. doi: 10.4236/sm.2012.24045.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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