The VL2-Spoken Language Phonological Awareness (VL2-SLPA) Measure


Tests of phonological awareness have been developed for spoken languages that require spoken responses. For many deaf individuals, spoken measures of phonological awareness (PA) are not appropriate, as these deaf individuals do not use any spoken language or their oral language is rated as low on levels of aural comprehension. Given the need to have accessible measures of spoken language PA for deaf children, the VL2 Spoken Language Phonological Awareness Measure (VL2-SLPA) was developed. The VL2-SLPA can also determine if participants use a phonological code or an orthographic code to identify the two pictures that have the same first or last “sound”. The VL2-SLPA showed strong convergent validity to the Phoneme Detection Test, another measure developed for deaf individuals, which does not require a verbal response.

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Clark, M. (2012) The VL2-Spoken Language Phonological Awareness (VL2-SLPA) Measure. Psychology, 3, 912-915. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.310137.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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