Turbulent Flow Simulations through Tarbela Dam
Muhammad Abid, Adnan Aslam Noon
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2010.27067   PDF    HTML     6,995 Downloads   11,164 Views   Citations


Tarbela dam is one of the largest earth filled dam in the world. The sediments inflow in the Tarbela reservoir has resulted in reduction in water storage capacity. In addition damage to the tunnels, power generating units and ultimately to the plant equipment by the sediments particles carried by water is observed. To the authors knowledge, to-date no comprehensive simulation studies are performed for this dam reservoir and tunnels, especially at present when sediment delta and presence of sediment particles in the tunnels is observed to a reasonable extent. The aim of this study is to investigate the damage to the Tunnel 2 of the Tarbela Dam with and without considering the affect of sediment particles for one way and two way/full coupling during summer, winter and average seasons, using turbulent flows of water. Numerically calculated erosion results are compared with the experimental erosion results. Pressure, velocity and erosion rate density results are discussed in detail.

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Abid, M. and Noon, A. (2010) Turbulent Flow Simulations through Tarbela Dam. Engineering, 2, 507-515. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.27067.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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