Notification Oriented and Object Oriented Paradigms Comparison via Sale System


This paper presents a new programming paradigm named Notification-Oriented Paradigm (NOP) and analyses the performance aspects of NOP programs by means of an experiment. NOP provides a new manner to conceive, structure, and execute software, which would allow causal-knowledge organization and decoupling better than standard solutions based upon current paradigms. These paradigms are essentially Imperative Paradigm (IP) and Declarative Paradigm (DP). In short, DP solutions are considered easier to use than IP solutions due to the concept of high-level programming. However, they are considered slower in execution and lesser flexible in development. Anyway, both paradigms present similar drawbacks such as redundant causal-evaluation and strongly coupled entities, which decrease software performance and processing distribution feasibility. These problems exist due to an orientation to a monolithic inference mechanism based on sequential evaluation searching on passive computational entities. NOP proposes another way to structure software and make its inferences, which is based on small, collaborative, and decoupled computational entities whose interaction happens through precise notifications. This paper presents a quantitative comparison between two equivalent implementations of a sale system, one developed according to the principles of Object-Oriented Paradigm (OOP/IP) in C++ and other developed according to the principles of NOP based on a NOP framework in C++. The results showed that NOP implementation obtained quite equivalent results with respect to OOP implementation. This happened because the NOP framework uses considerable expensive data-structures over C++. Thus, it is necessary a new compiler to NOP in order to actually use its potentiality.

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Simão, J. , Belmonte, D. , Ronszcka, A. , Linhares, R. , Valença, G. , Banaszewski, R. , Fabro, J. , Tacla, C. , Stadzisz, P. and Batista, M. (2012) Notification Oriented and Object Oriented Paradigms Comparison via Sale System. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 5, 695-710. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2012.59083.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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