Effect of Varying Corn Cob and Rice Husk Ashes on Properties of Moulding Sand ()
The use of rice husk and corn cob ashes as aggregates for foundry moulding sand has been
studied. 5-12.5 weight percent of rice husk and corn cob ashes were added to the sand mixture
and the sand properties determined. A mixture of equal proportion of rice husk and corn cob
ashes was also used. In each case, four weight percent water and clay were added to the sand
mixture. Some of the properties of the sand tested are: permeability, green compression strength,
dry compression strength, green shear strength, dry shear strength, moisture content and
permeability. The results showed that the green compression strength, green shear strength,
moisture content and permeability decrease with increase in the additives (rice husk ash, corn
cob ash, and (50% rice husk and 50% corn cob ashes). While dry compression strength and dry
shear strength increase with increase in weight percent of the additives.
Share and Cite:
S. Aribo, "Effect of Varying Corn Cob and Rice Husk Ashes on Properties of Moulding Sand,"
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 10 No. 15, 2011, pp. 1449-1455. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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