Response Distortion on the NEO PI-R among Candidates Taking the Entrance Examination to the National School of Civil Aviation (ENAC-France)


This study examined the effect of a selection context on the responses to a five factor personality questionnaire (Revised NEO Personality Inventory) of 974 candidates taking the entrance examination to the ENAC (National School of Civil Aviation, France). A response distortion index was calculated using Schinka, Kinder and Kremer (1997)’s method. The results indicate: 1) lower neuroticism scores but higher conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion scores compared to standard conditions; 2) a high estimated effect of the response distortion index on all dimensions of the NEO PI-R except for Openness to experience; 3) substantial stability of scores at a one-year interval (N = 117). The paper discusses the conceptual and practical value of this response distortion index for measuring the dimensions of the NEO PI-R in candidates taking the entrance examination to the ENAC.

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Juhel, J. , Brunot, S. and Zapata, G. (2012) Response Distortion on the NEO PI-R among Candidates Taking the Entrance Examination to the National School of Civil Aviation (ENAC-France). Psychology, 3, 393-398. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.35055.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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