Lateral Stability Analysis of Heavy-Haul Vehicle on Curved Track Based on Wheel/Rail Coupled Dynamics
Kaiyun Wang, Pengfei Liu
DOI: 10.4236/jtts.2012.22016   PDF    HTML     5,797 Downloads   10,957 Views   Citations


Being viewed from the standpoint of whole system, the hunting stability of a heavy-haul railway vehicle on a curved track is investigated in this paper. First, a model to simulate dynamic performance of the heavy-haul vehicle on the elastic track is developed. Secondly, the reason of the hunting motion is analyzed, and a bifurcation diagram for the vehicle on the curved track is put forward to simulate the nonlinear critical speed. Results show that the hunting motion of the heavy-haul vehicle will appear due to the larger conicity, the initial lateral shift and the wheelset angle of attack. With the hunting motion appearing, the lateral shift and force of the wheelset are changed sharply and periodically with a wave of circa 3.6 m. There is obvious difference in the bifurcation diagram between on a curved track and on a tangent track. Relative to the centerline of the track, each vehicle body on the curved track has two stable cycles. As for the curved track with a radius of 600 m and a superelevation of 55 mm, the nonlinear critical speed of the heavy-haul vehicle is 76.4 km/h.

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K. Wang and P. Liu, "Lateral Stability Analysis of Heavy-Haul Vehicle on Curved Track Based on Wheel/Rail Coupled Dynamics," Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2012, pp. 150-157. doi: 10.4236/jtts.2012.22016.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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