Implementation of Hierarchical and Distributed Control for Discrete Event Robotic Manufacturing Systems


The large scale and complex manufacturing systems have a hierarchical structure where a system is composed several lines with some stations and each station also have several machines and so on. In such a hierarchical structure, the controllers are geographically distributed according to their physical structure. So it is desirable to realize the hierarchical and distributed control. In this paper, a methodology is presented using Petri nets for hierarchical and distributed control. The Petri net representation of discrete event manufacturing processes is decomposed and distributed into the machine controllers, which are coordinated through communication between the coordinator and machine controllers so that the decomposed transitions fire at the same time. Implementation of a hierarchical and distributed control system is described for an example robotic manufacturing system. The demonstrations show that the proposed system can be used as an effective tool for consistent modeling and control of large and complex manufacturing systems.

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Yasuda, G. (2010) Implementation of Hierarchical and Distributed Control for Discrete Event Robotic Manufacturing Systems. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 3, 436-445. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2010.35049.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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