Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application Development through Fault Injection Patterns ()
Paloli Mohammed Shareef,
Midthe Vijayaraghavan Srinath,
Subbiah Balasubramanian
Anna University, Coimbatore, India..
Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, India.
Trimentus Technologies, Chennai, India.
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2010.34041
Software reliability for business applications is becoming a topic of interest in the IT community. An effective method to validate and understand defect behaviour in a software application is Fault Injection. Fault injection involves the deliberate insertion of faults or errors into software in order to determine its response and to study its behaviour. Fault Injection Modeling has demonstrated to be an effective method for study and analysis of defect response, validating fault-tolerant systems, and understanding systems behaviour in the presence of injected faults. The objectives of this study are to measure and analyze defect leakage; Amplification Index (AI) of errors and examine “Domino” effect of defects leaked into subsequent Software Development Life Cycle phases in a business application. The approach endeavour to demonstrate the phasewise impact of leaked defects, through causal analysis and quantitative analysis of defects leakage and amplification index patterns in system built using technology variants (C#, VB 6.0, Java).
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Shareef, P. , Srinath, M. and Balasubramanian, S. (2010) Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application Development through Fault Injection Patterns.
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
3, 364-373. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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