Beyond the Shadow of White Privilege?: The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second Generation South Asian Americans
Hyeyoung Woo, Arthur Sakamoto, Isao Takei
DOI: 10.4236/sm.2012.21003   PDF    HTML     6,105 Downloads   10,789 Views   Citations


Despite numerous studies of second generation minorities in recent years, South Asian Americans have been largely ignored. Using the most recent data available from the US Census Bureau, we investigate the socioeconomic attainments of second generation South Asian Americans. We find that their average levels of education, wages, and occupational attainment exceed those of non-Hispanic whites. Contrary to the “model minority myth” view, second generation South Asian Americans remain slightly advantaged relative to non-Hispanic whites in terms of labor market success net of age, education, and region of residence. These results are also inconsistent with discussions of white privilege that emphasize the socioeconomic disadvantages of minorities with darker skin tones. Our results suggest that theories of race relations should also incorporate South Asian Americans.

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Woo, H. , Sakamoto, A. & Takei, I. (2012). Beyond the Shadow of White Privilege?: The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second Generation South Asian Americans. Sociology Mind, 2, 23-33. doi: 10.4236/sm.2012.21003.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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