Antiurolithiatic activity of aqueous extract of bark of moringa oleifera (lam.) in rats


In the present study, aqueous extract of bark of Moringa oleifera administered orally, was eva- luated for its antiurolithiatic potential in albino rats of Wistar strains. The stones were produced in this study by zinc disc foreign body insertion in the bladder supplemented with 1% ethylene glycol in drinking water. The reduction in weight of the stones was used as criteria for assessing the preventive or curative antiurolithiatic effect of the bark of this plant. Two doses of extract for prophylactic and curative groups were used. In both groups the oral administration of the extract of bark of Moringa oleifera has resulted in significant reduction in the weight of bladder stones compared to the control group.

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Fahad, J. , ., V. , Kumar, M. , ., S. , Kodancha, G. , Adarsh, B. , Udupa, A. and Rathnakar, U. (2010) Antiurolithiatic activity of aqueous extract of bark of moringa oleifera (lam.) in rats. Health, 2, 352-355. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.24053.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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