Research on Knowledge Transfer Influencing Factors in Software Process Improvement
Jiangping Wan, Qingjing Liu, Dejie Li, Hongbo Xu
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2010.32017   PDF    HTML     5,605 Downloads   10,498 Views   Citations


Knowledge transfer model of software process improvement (SPI) and the conceptual framework of influencing factors are established. The model includes five elements which are knowledge of transfer, sources of knowledge, recipients of knowledge, relationship of transfer parties, and the environment of transfer. The conceptual framework includes ten key factors which are ambiguity, systematism, transfer willingness, capacity of impartation, capacity of absorption, incen-tive mechanism, culture, technical support, trust and knowledge distance. The research hypothesis is put forward. Em-pirical study concludes that the trust relationship among SPI staffs has the greatest influence on knowledge transfer, and organizational incentive mechanism can produce positive effect to knowledge transfer of SPI. Finally, some sug-gestions are put forward to improve the knowledge transfer of SPI: establishing a rational incentive mechanism, exe-cuting some necessary training to transfer parties and using software benchmarking.

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Wan, J. , Liu, Q. , Li, D. and Xu, H. (2010) Research on Knowledge Transfer Influencing Factors in Software Process Improvement. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 3, 134-140. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2010.32017.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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