Temperature and Magnetic Resonance Characteristics of Zinc, Manganese, Gadolinium, Gold, Iron Magnetic Nanoparticles and Cytokine Synergy in Hyperthermia
Saleh S. Hayek, Rakesh Sharma, Soonjo Kwon, Avdhesh Sharma, Ching J.Chen
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2008.13031   PDF    HTML     6,179 Downloads   13,059 Views   Citations


The temperature and magnetic moment depend-ence for assessing localized heating utilizing a new class of Manganese-Zinc-Gadolinium mag-netic nanoparticles was studied. These particles showed heating effect when subjected to alter-nating filed. Alternatively, a new approach was used to get disperse heating without spot heating by using the synthesis of particles at controlled Curie temperature of less than 44oC. The study reports a simple synthesis of Mn0.5Zn0.5GdxFe(2-x)O4 nanoparticles using chemical co- precipita-tion technique. The particles exhibited Curie temperature of 42篊 and high magnitude of mag-netic moments. The particles showed sigmoid behavior of dependence between temperature and magnetic moments. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy showed T1 depend-ence on temperature in the range of 10-45篊. The particles may have high promise for self con-trolled magnetic hyperthermia application and its monitoring.

Share and Cite:

Hayek, S. , Sharma, R. , Kwon, S. , Sharma, A. and J.Chen, C. (2008) Temperature and Magnetic Resonance Characteristics of Zinc, Manganese, Gadolinium, Gold, Iron Magnetic Nanoparticles and Cytokine Synergy in Hyperthermia. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 1, 182-189. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2008.13031.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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