Analysis and Comparison of Five Kinds of Typical Device-Level Embedded Operating Systems
Jialiang WANG, Hai ZHAO, Peng LI, Hui LI, Bo LI
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2010.31010   PDF    HTML     6,073 Downloads   10,791 Views   Citations


Today, the number of embedded system was applied in the field of automation and control has far exceeded a variety of general-purpose computer. Embedded system is gradually penetrated into all fields of human society, and ubiquitous embedded applications constitute the "ubiquitous" computing era. Embedded operating system is the core of the em-bedded system, and it directly affects the performance of the whole system. Our Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory of Embedded Technology has successfully developed five kinds of device-level embedded operating systems by more than ten years’ efforts, and these systems are Webit 5.0, Worix, μKernel, iDCX 128 and μc/os-II 128. This paper mainly analyses and compares the implementation mechanism and performance of these five kinds of device-level embedded operating systems in detail.

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WANG, J. , ZHAO, H. , LI, P. , LI, H. and LI, B. (2010) Analysis and Comparison of Five Kinds of Typical Device-Level Embedded Operating Systems. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 3, 81-90. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2010.31010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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