Optimum Load Shedding in Power System Strategies with Voltage Stability Indicators
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2010.21002   PDF    HTML     8,581 Downloads   17,527 Views   Citations


An optimal load shedding strategy for power systems with optimum location and quantity of load to be shed is presented in this paper. The problem of load shedding for avoiding the existence of voltage instability in power systems is taken as a remedial action during emergency state in transmission and distribution sector.Optimum location of loads to be shed is found together with their optimum required quantity. L-Indicator index is in used for this purpose with a modified new technique. Applications to be standard 6 bus Ward-Hale test system and IEEE – 14 bus system are presented to validate the applicability of the proposed technique to any system of any size.

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RAJ, P. and SUDHAKARAN, M. (2010) Optimum Load Shedding in Power System Strategies with Voltage Stability Indicators. Engineering, 2, 12-21. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.21002.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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