Therapeutic properties of honey
Giuseppe Pipicelli, Patrizio Tatti
DOI: 10.4236/health.2009.14045   PDF    HTML     8,122 Downloads   16,412 Views   Citations


Honey has been successfully used in medicine since antiquity. However, with the advent of modern medicine it has been less used, espe-cially in the English-speaking world. Its benefi-cial effects in different disorders, rediscovered in recent decades, will be discussed below on the basis of a series of international scientific studies conducted to investigate the therapeutic properties of this natural product and published on Medline. It should be noted, however, that the therapeutic use of honey in everyday clinical practice needs to be validated by relevant guidelines and should only be adopted under medical prescription, in accordance with criteria of efficacy and safety for both patients and healthcare providers.

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Pipicelli, G. and Tatti, P. (2009) Therapeutic properties of honey. Health, 1, 281-283. doi: 10.4236/health.2009.14045.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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