Cartography for the Aquifer Potential Recharge Areas of the Base of the Department of Aboisso (South-East Côte d’Ivoire) ()
The study highlights the potential recharge areas of
the aquifers of the Department of Aboisso for an adequate and rational
management of their use. The methodology used consisted in the identification
of parameters (land use, soil types, drainage density, slope, induced
permeability and alteration thickness) allowing infiltration and their expression
as thematic maps. A weighting of these parameters was made by the multicriteria
analysis method of Saaty. The integration to GIS conducted to elaborate the map
of the potential recharge area of the aquifers for the Department of Aboisso.
It brings to light five recharge level classes (bad: 20%; mediocre: 19%,
medium: 45%; good: 15% and very good: 1%) in the study area. That map reveals
the dominance of good recharge areas covering 61% and practically all over the
studied area. They are generally characterized with gentle slopes coupled with
mosaics of cultivations and forests, and high induced permeability allowing
better infiltration. The zones of low recharge cover 39% of the department’s
area, and are mainly located in urban areas inside the streams. This study
exhibited that the land use is the preponderant parameter influencing the
recharge in base area. This map could be considered as an excellent support for
all kinds of activities especially to implement planning in the Department of
Aboisso, the setting up of drilling broadbands and the choice of future sites
for landfills or landfill of wastes to protect groundwater from any pollution.
Share and Cite:
Ake, G. , Kouame, K. , Fofana, D. , Sekouba, O. , Koffi, A. and Jourda, J. (2019) Cartography for the Aquifer Potential Recharge Areas of the Base of the Department of Aboisso (South-East Côte d’Ivoire).
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,
7, 49-68. doi: