Working with Aggregate Data: An Excel Macro for Pairwise Comparison Using Z Test for Two Proportions ()
A Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Excel macro was created for doing a pairwise, two-sample Z-test of within-column proportions fork data rows in an Excel spreadsheet. By program iteration, the Z-score for k(k-1)/2 unique, non-repeating and non-duplicated within-column comparisons was generated and the null hypothesis is tested against a two-tailed Z-score critical value. This within-column process is useful for extracting potential meaning from large aggregate columnar data. The procedure was demonstrated using aggregate internet acquired summary data in the public domain. The VBA macro is provided and it is also available at the author’s website.
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Landry, V. (2017) Working with Aggregate Data: An Excel Macro for Pairwise Comparison Using Z Test for Two Proportions.
Open Access Library Journal,
4, 1-9. doi: