
Volume 2, Issue 5 (August 2011)

ISSN Print: 2152-7180   ISSN Online: 2152-7199

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.62  Citations  

Jealousy Induction Methods, Sex, and the Big-5 Personality Dimensions

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DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.25080    8,851 Downloads   15,394 Views  Citations




One-hundred and twenty five participants were administered an online survey to investigate: which type of cheating, emotional or sexual, is more likely to be used in an attempt to induce jealousy in a partner, which type of cheating is perceived as most effective for inducing jealousy, and whether or not the Big-5 personality dimensions are related to the choice of jealousy induction technique. Emotional cheating was hypothesized to be selected more often, and given a higher effectiveness rating, than physical cheating for inducing jealousy in a partner. Additionally, men were hypothesized to rate physical cheating as worse than emotional cheating while women were expected to rate emotional cheating as more hurtful. The results were partially consistent with the hypotheses. Emotional cheating was selected as the method to induce jealousy most often and was rated as the most effective way to induce jealousy. However, physical cheating was rated as more upsetting by both men and women. Additionally, Big-5 personality dimensions were not related to choice of jealousy induction method or reactions to physical or emotional cheating. The findings are discussed in relation to prior research.

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Weinstein, J. and Wade, T. (2011) Jealousy Induction Methods, Sex, and the Big-5 Personality Dimensions. Psychology, 2, 517-521. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.25080.

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