Shift Invariance Level Comparison of Several Contourlet Transforms and Their Texture Image Retrieval Systems ()
In this paper, we proposed a metric to
measure the shift invariance of the three different contourlet transforms.
And then, using the same structure texture image retrieval system which use
subband coefficients energy, standard deviation and kurtosis features with
Canberra distance, we gave a comparison of their texture description abilities.
Experimental results show that contourlet-2.3 texture image retrieval system
has almost retrieval rates with non-sub sampled contourlet system; the two
systems have better retrieval results than the original contourlet retrieval
system. On the other hand, for the relatively lower redundancy, we recommend
using contourlet- 2.3 as texture description transform.
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Chen, X. , Xue, J. , Liu, Z. and Ma, W. (2016) Shift Invariance Level Comparison of Several Contourlet Transforms and Their Texture Image Retrieval Systems.
Journal of Signal and Information Processing,
7, 1-6. doi: