Problem-Solving Training in Character Multidiscipline in PET-Health/Natal-RN for Undergraduate Students ()
The undergraduate training points to teaching methodologies where students act on their learning processes. Underlying this perspective, the under graduation in health of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte offers the discipline of Saúde e Cidadania (SACI-Health and Citizenship), held in different health centers at Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The aim of this study is to analyze between 2009 and 2011, the strengths and weaknesses of this experience, according to former students. 25 learning portfolios written by students were analyzed with the aid of Alceste 4.9 software. The results show the value of teamwork to facing the problems and the existence of formative stimuli toward the comprehensive care. Emerging as weaknesses, the difficulties in living together in the labor process are that students miss the low supply of multidisciplinary courses throughout the training. It is concluded that the SACI-Health and Citizenship gives students a different look to the psychic, social, economic and cultural factors that underlie problems and health practices.
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Ribeiro, I. and Medeiros Júnior, A. (2015) Problem-Solving Training in Character Multidiscipline in PET-Health/Natal-RN for Undergraduate Students.
7, 1775-1781. doi: